Jumat, 05 Juni 2009

Turn Off Windows Autoplay Reduce The Risk Of Infected by Viruses

Have you ever insert Flash Drive and suddenly your computer infected by viruses?
This can be happen if our autoplay configuration not set to disable.

If we disable our Autoplay, our computer will probably safer from viruses.
The autorun file in the plug and play drive (Autorun.inf or autorun.ini) can't be work if we turn off autoplay in all drives.
So The Virus that usually came with autorun can't directy infected our computer.

below is step by step to turn off autoplay in GPEDIT.MSC

1.Start Run and then Type gpedit.msc --> Edit Group Policy in Windows

2.Double Click The Administrative Template On User Configuration, then click System

3.Double Click Turn Off Autoplay

4.Click enable radio button and then Turn off Autoplay in All Drive (choose in combo box)

5.Apply the Changes and OK.

Do The same way in Computer Configuration beside User Configuration !!! Turn Off Autoplay from here too.

Note that this manner work in windows XP proffessional only. You can't do this in Windows XP Home Edition.

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5 komentar:

Blogger Manja mengatakan...

Great Info For Windows user, a must have to do!
Thanks my friend.


Novian mengatakan...

thanks for visiting me,,, visit me back ok.

tonibanzai mengatakan...

info yang bagus brow ta cobain dulu ya...

Picas mengatakan...

@ Kang Tatang
@ Novian
@ Tonibanzai

OK.. Semoga Bermanfaat

Unknown mengatakan...

hmm masih mnimbang2